The SupplyStation component allows humans to refill gas and blades when in a certain region.
component SupplyStation
UnlimitedRefills = true;
MaxRefills = 0;
_currentHumanRefill = null;
_currentHuman = null;
function Init()
self._refillsLeft = self.MaxRefills;
self.MapObject.AddBoxCollider("Region", "Characters", Vector3(0,-2,0), Vector3(14,8,14));
function OnCollisionStay(other)
if (other.Type == "Human" && other.IsMine && (self.UnlimitedRefills || self._refillsLeft > 0))
self._currentHuman = other;
self._currentHumanRefill = other;
UI.SetLabelForTime("MiddleCenter", "Press " + Input.GetKeyName("Interaction/Interact") + " to refill." + String.Newline + "Press " + Input.GetKeyName("Interaction/Interact2") + " to change loadout.", 0.1);
function OnFrame()
if (self._currentHumanRefill != null)
if ((self._currentHumanRefill.AutoRefillGas || Input.GetKeyDown("Interaction/Interact")) && self._currentHumanRefill.Refill(true))
self._currentHumanRefill = null;
self._refillsLeft = self._refillsLeft - 1;
if (self._currentHuman != null)
if (Input.GetKeyDown("Interaction/Interact2"))
self._currentHuman = null;
function OnCollisionExit(other)
if (other.Type == "Human" && other.IsMine)
self._currentHuman = null;
self._currentHumanRefill = null;
Last updated