Titan Explode
The Titan Explode gamemode has titans explode and kill all players in radius upon death.
class Main
Description = "Titans will explode on death.";
ExplodeRadius = 30.0;
MaxTitans = 10;
TitanSpawnEvery = 3.0;
_spawnTimeLeft = 0.0;
_hasSpawned = false;
function OnGameStart()
if (Network.IsMasterClient)
Game.SpawnTitans("Default", self.MaxTitans);
function OnCharacterDie(victim, killer, killerName)
if (victim.Type == "Titan" && victim.IsMine)
if (victim.IsCrawler)
self.Explode(victim.NapePosition, 2.0);
self.Explode(victim.NapePosition, 1.0);
coroutine Explode(position, time)
wait time;
Game.SpawnEffect("ThunderspearExplode", position, Vector3.Zero, self.ExplodeRadius * 2.0, Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
for (human in Game.Humans)
if (Vector3.Distance(human.Position, position) < self.ExplodeRadius)
function OnTick()
if (Network.IsMasterClient && !Game.IsEnding)
humans = Game.Humans.Count;
playerShifters = Game.PlayerShifters.Count;
titans = Game.Titans.Count;
if (humans > 0 || playerShifters > 0)
self._hasSpawned = true;
if (titans < self.MaxTitans)
self._spawnTimeLeft = self._spawnTimeLeft - Time.TickTime;
if (self._spawnTimeLeft <= 0.0)
Game.SpawnTitans("Default", 1);
self._spawnTimeLeft = self.TitanSpawnEvery;
self._spawnTimeLeft = self.TitanSpawnEvery;
if (humans == 0 && playerShifters == 0 && self._hasSpawned)
UI.SetLabelAll("MiddleCenter", "Humanity failed!");
UI.SetLabelAll("TopCenter", "Titans Left: " + Convert.ToString(titans));
Last updated